Monday, January 28, 2008

First Video for

My goal is to post new videos bi-weekly. I just returned from Cabo last night, but my husband and I recorded this last week, before I left.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) Mexican food did not agree with my stomach, so I'm sure I've lost some weight since last week, but not the healthy way. So, today...I begin my quest to get healthy and fit in 2008.

Check out my first video and please add comments below, as I would love for this to become a community oriented site:

We are also working on an Audio Blogcast with all the latest updates, debates, ideas, short comings, successes and responses to comments, which will be posted on this site.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

We are excited to roll out our new show!
Hi, I'm Cheri Thomas.  To learn more about who I am, please visit

On January 1st, I made a resolution to get fit and healthy in 2008 and possibly lose some weight too.  I've been planning to begin this process on January 26th, 2008 and will document my success and failures here.  I plan to lose at least 50 lbs. by July 26th, 2008.  So stay tuned...
Shoot us an email at to receive the link to our first podcast.